Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My First Blog Entry

Hello Everyone
Preparing to post this has come with much anxiety. Being familiar with computers I thought this was going to be easy but it has been a daunting process. Now that I have finally overcome my fears it is not that hard.

As I have slowly worked my way through this process I have come to realise the potential this tool has in a classroom. Blogging would be utilised mainly in upper classes but a has the potential to be used in the middle classes. In the classroom Blogs are able to be included into formal ICT lessons. These lessons under supervision and precise guidelines would enable student to become familiar with the basics of this tool. Students would be able to take these skills learnt and apply them to the home as well.

Having access to this tool at home allows the student to post any questions, suggestions, queries and concerns they may have when working on assignments or other prescribed tasks. This allows an opportunity for some students who are not comfortable asking questions to place their concerns on a Blog in the safety of their own surroundings. Blogging provides students with an alternate way of receiving and delivering information when being absent from the classroom for an extended period of time. Having this tool available may help the student to feel connected to the class though they are not physically there.

As we move further into the 21st century the students that will be in our classes will be techinally savy and using the Blog as a communication tool will help to engage these students and to improve their learning.



  1. You said in your post that you think that blogs are suitable for middle to upper primary classes, and I agree with you there.

    However, I discovered an online tool called a glog (it's similar to a blog) and I think that your early learners would love it.

    The link is http://edu.glogster.com/
    in case you wanted to check it out.

  2. Hi Debbie,
    My name is Bridie from the Emerald Campus and I just thought that I would say hello! Your blog is looking fantastic, you have done a great job. I too was a little anxious about creating a blog however once I started it was quite simple.
    Best of luck with your course,

  3. Hi Debbie,

    I particularly like the point you made about students who do not feel comfortable speaking up and asking questions in the school setting can use the blog as there communication tool to ensure they are still heard. This is a great positive to blogs and something I had not yet thought of. It was quite interesting to see other points of view!



  4. Hi,

    I too like your point on students who dont feel comfortable speaking publicly. I think that tools like the blog can help these students acheive an interactive experience whilst learning

    cheers, christen
