Tuesday, December 14, 2010


There are numerous ways podcasts can be used with students. They are able to create their own podcasts or teachers able to design podcasts assist and extend their student's learning. Careful preparation and planning is needed to successfully intergrate this tool into your classroom.

  • Podcasts can be listened to and/or watched anywhere, anytime from computers to media players such ipods
  • Ideal for those who prefer context to be in audio or video formatt
  • It meets the needs of students with different learning styles
  • Able to be used with special needs students.
  • Able to assist students in learning english where this is a second language
  • Can benefit vision impaired students
  • Enables student's to replay and review information for revision
  • Encourages students to participate in lessons as this type of technology would be considered "cool" by students

  • Students may spend more time playing with the media player instead of working on the required task
  • Some podcasts require payment to download
  • May listen to irrelevant information if the podcast has been download from the internet.
  • Copy right laws may hinder use
From my research it has become evident that there are more advantages to using this tool with students. Younger students may use podcasting to listen to appropriate stories and plder students have the ability to design and record their on podcast as part of an assessment task.

Thacker, C. (2007). Podcasts in education. Retrieved from


  1. Debbie,

    I really liked the list of advantages you provided; I hadn’t thought about the use of podcasts for students with disabilities. Podcasts are a great tool to use to achieve higher order thinking in the class. I refer to a group assignment I did in high school, it was to be much like a sixty minute/ today tonight TV program. Ever since I have read about podcasts I think it would be great to have a type of talk back radio program as an assignment. If students were engaged in a debate style assignment they would be analysing and evaluating information, resulting in the use of Bloom’s Taxonomy and higher order thinking.


  2. Bloggers who don’t have time or don’t like to read may prefer to listen to audio content or watch videos. BeyondPod allows you to subscribe, download, listen to audio podcasts and watch video podcasts on-the-go. This app is extremely useful for bloggers who are driving a lot because for them, there is very little reading time.
